I discussed in my essay ‘Scotland and the National Question’, it is the far
right who have emerged triumphant in much of the western world. Over the course
of this document, I will:
I. I Describe
the reasons for, and cite examples of far right growth
II. II. Answer
why it is the right, and not the left thriving
III. III. Evaluate
what the Western left has to do, in order to smash the right, and to smash
rise of the right
The far right
occupy a prominent role in almost every western state. Whether it is an
individual or a party, their movement has enjoyed credible success in recent
years. From Donald Trump, the xenophobic oligarch, and President of the United
States or Jobbik, the Christian nationalist extremist party in Hungary, there
has been an unprecedented success- both within and outwith parliamentary
politics. It is not mere luck that the likes of Hungary and Poland are headed
by ultra-right regimes, but simply testament to the efficiency of their
movement as a whole.
The science of
Marxism-Leninism has told us that Capitalism is always a few years away from a
crisis, social or economic. One look at history tells us that these crises end
with a change in political dominance.
1917- Royalist autocracy to Communist
republic (liberation of the masses)
1920s/30s- Economic decline of the Capitalist regime led to the Nazis success,
and the deaths of tens of millions
recession 2008 onwards- The right took advantage and manipulated social
problems to portray immigrants as the catalyst= rise of the far right over the
Western hemisphere
simpler terms, depression breeds opportunity. And in recent years, the only
ones to seize the opportunity are the fascists and conservatives engulfing the
political scene of much of the world. We cannot look at Trump’s success, or
Jobbik’s rise without accepting history is repeating itself. As Marx said “History repeats itself. First as a tragedy,
second as a farce”. The left are simply too weak, divided and uneducated to
mount any threat to the right. To say that the right have only flourished
because of their swiftness at ‘seizing the moment’ in the immediate aftermath
of crisis is naïve. After they have done this, they, just as the Nazis did in
1930s Germany, sought to defect blame from the capitalist class, and find a
scapegoat. In the modern day, but in many generations past, that scapegoat is
the immigrant.
they have made numerous attempts to defect away from the mantra of the status
quo, the fear generated by the right regarding the so called refugee crisis is
simply a way of maintain bourgeois regimes. The economic and social costs of
investing so heavily into illegal wars in Iraq, and coup attempts in Syria has resulted in intensified austerity for the proletarian of the Western world. As with any crisis, the establishment seek to find a solution, and the solution here is scapegoating the innocent immigrants, who are easy targets when the far right's propaganda machine is in full flow. In the next section, I will assess why the left's inability to organise led to the success of the right in greater depth.
The far right on a global scale are willing to die for their cause. They are willing to arm themselves, to educate themselves, and to organise. At protests, whilst the Western left draft up vacillating posters in the comfort of their white petit bourgeois lifestyle, the right are training in self defence, and are not afraid to use it to achieve their goals.
II Western leftists
The student left in Europe is at its weakest. Composed of revisionists, Trotskyists and Social Democrats, the terms Socialist and Marxist have lost any meaning in the student circles, and are instead buzzwords for pseudo socialists who are uneducated and in many cases living petit bourgeois lifestyles.
The only thing which can turn proceedings, is a mass education programme, similar to the circumstances in China pre revolution.
"Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture."
Mao, On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (February 27, 1959), 1st pocket ed., p. 44.
Such is the importance of education as the catalyst for a revival in the militant left I have sub divided it into three important sections.
The first is that for the Western left, particularly the students to achieve even the smallest of aims, class consciousness must be encouraged, promoted, and unearthed. The pseudo socialists are inept to the movement because they lack the drive and will to enrol on a programme of self education. They do not understand the science of Marxism-Leninism, and crucially do not treat it as a science. They fail to accept that without education, any revolutionary ideal is futile. Class consciousness is fundamental to any individual who wishes to partake in revolutionary movements. An estimate of the British student left who are fully class conscious would be below 10%. Why? Because the class struggle has been ditched in favour of identity politics. The most important aspect of our every day fight is the class struggle. To remove this, in favour of identity politics is counter revolutionary and the most ridiculous move. Sadly, most of the Western Student left has been engulfed by this phenomenon.To these impostors who hide under the red flag, to these traitors who halt our movement I urge you to remove yourself from the network. To the genuine Marxists amongst us I urge you to remove them. No individual or movement can degrade the class struggle and put identity politics before the liberation of the proletariat and claim to be Socialist. Unless you fight for women, for minorities, for the LGBT community under the red flag, your fight will never be a victorious one. A basic knowledge of Marxist literature reveals this, yet the lack of understanding of our great science's dialectics prove very worrying in both the short and long term future of the western left.
Trotskyism, the ideology which most pseudo socialists in Western student circles align with is the most counter revolutionary ideal to enter the fray. It was the Jewish journalist,and lifelong Comrade of the USSR, Moissaye J. Olgin who labelled the theory as "counter revolution in disguise". Anybody with a basic grasp of Marxism-Leninism would see through the lies of those who preach this traitor's values. Yet here lies the problem, Trotskyism is a fashionable disguise, and those lacking class consciousness and understanding of Communism fall prey to it. Unfortunately it is growing from strength to strength in student society. To them Stalin was the enemy, the USSR was a dictatorship, and Fidel Castro a tyrant. They scream this from the safety of their middle class household in London or Paris without having to ever truly worry that poverty will take their life.
There is only one way to defeat fascism and imperialism. Through armed resistance, led on a Marxist Leninist platform. This is a given, as history tells us. Whether it be the FLN in Algeria, PFLP in Palestine, or the heroics of the Red Army in Stalingrad, force is the only way to defeat these ideas. But as with so many crucial elements, the western left ignores history, They ignore the cries of the Auschwitz families describing the only way to defeat the Nazis is to smash them- literally.
Instead of taking the fight to the Nazis by sharpening the knifes and polishing the knuckle dusters, western students opt for pacifism, something which as Che mentioned, is the Capitalist establishment's greatest ally.
Instead of rejecting establishment politics, they join Blairites in the imperialist Labour Party.
Instead of taking inspiration from past guerilla movements based on class struggle, they take inspiration from Sanders and Corbyn, who as history tells us, are sell out social democrats in parties steeped in colonial blood.
Instead of holding up guns to the rich, they hold up posters to themselves.
This is the western left. Accepting whitewashed history to go hand in hand with their liberal agenda.
III. What is to be done?
A revolution will not come through parliament. It will come through the masses. That said, a Bolshevik esque group is required. Again, anybody with sufficient historical knowledge would be aware. In many ways, Lenin's What is to be done? echo the current climate in the Western world.
Huge parties, fraudulents such as the Labour Party (GB)
A small guerilla movement must be assembled, but first:
I. Class consciousness must be unearthed.
II. Education, of history, of Marxism Leninism must be the focal point of any group and its members.
The Western democratic process should be ignored and as many should abstain from participating as possible.
Violence should be used as a tactic. Fight the fascist scum with how they fight us.
Compromising with the enemy must be avoided. Do not endorse one candidate over the other on the basis of a lesser evil. Demand both be tried for war crimes. Reject both parties.
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