Donald Trump, regardless of his fleeting act to distance himself from the ruling class, is the zenith of the bourgeois. He is exploitative, xenophobic, and chauvinistic.Trump is not a disgrace to the presidency, but rather a natural heir to his predecessors .Trump is a consequence of the problem. And Capitalism is the problem.
Liberals and Western leftists have flooded the streets as we speak, in protest of who they claim to be the most racist President in history. This premise can be easily refuted by anybody with even the slightest knowledge of the past.
Noam Chomsky's assertion, that if the Nuremberg Laws were applied, every U.S President post WW2 would be indictable is correct.
Truman's atrocities in Korea, has ravaged the nation so that today imperialism still persists. The use of nuclear weapons, and barbaric tactics were a characteristic of U.S policy in Asia during this period.
Take Eisenhower, he did not take any time in launching a military coup on the popular nationalist government in Iran. A 25 year dictatorship was Eisenhower's solution. Guatemala has not seen a democracy since he installed a U.S puppet regime to replace it, and still today the country is engulfed in corruption and tragedy. The rise of left wing parties in Indonesia was of grave concern to the Eisenhower administration, so yours truly began to fund fundamentalists to wear away the possibility of a workers party coming to power.
John F Kennedy, lauded by many as a champion of social rights was anything but. It was he who invaded South Vietnam, it was he who insisted on the advancement of Napalm, it is he to blame for the children being born with birth defects, even today, almost 50 years on. Kennedy insisted on targeting areas of fertile land to bind the Vietnamese people to a slow, torturous death. His aggression towards Cuba was based on terrorism, and terrorism solely.
President Johnson expanded the War into China, multiplying the number of casualties by millions. The democratic revolution in the Dominican Republic was blocked by his administration, whilst the Israeli occupation was financed and supported by his regime.
Richard Nixon, the founding father of the 'war on drugs' (war on working class people with illness), did not restrict this oppressive policy to the states, but also to Colombia, funding the military to prevent the growth of far left groups such as F.A.R.C.
Gerald Ford's tenure may have been short, but his legacy is marred quite rightly by his support for the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. Chomksy refers to this act as genocidal. The U.S secretly financed the right wing nationalists who massacred thousands.
Carter was behind the increase in the flow of weapons to the fundamentalists in Indonesia via Israel, maintaining the genocide in East Timor. The Camp David agreements are what Carter is rendered best for, yet this was no diplomatic excellency, Conspiring with the Arab bourgeois, aid to Israel was increased both financially and politically, leaving the Palestinians helpless and exposed. In all Chomksy alleges that 50% of all foreign aid under Carter went to Israel, which should serve as no surprise.
Ronald Reagan, along with ally Margaret Thatcher was behind some of the worst scenes of pillage the 20th century witnessed. Nicaragua and her people are still tormented from U.S policy under the Reagan regime.
George H.W.Bush's invasion of Panama left 3000 dead. Why the invasion? to remove Noriega, who years previous to his disposal had committed endless horrors, whilst being financed by the C.I.A. Whilst Iraq sought diplomatic relations with the U.S, Bush sought military brutality, and a key-hold in the region. Under International Law, attacking infrastructure in war is illegal, yet in Iraq this was a regular occurrence, as colonialism began to infect the region once more. The sanctions he drafted killed hundreds of thousands, who starved to a long and painful death.
Bill Clinton oversaw and maintained the sanctions of Iraq, despite the calls from the international community and the U.N, that this was resulting in so many deaths, he refused to listen, and the blood of the children lay rattle-boaned on the bombed streets, are on his hands. Several tens of thousands Sudanese lay dead as a result of Clinton's finance driven foreign policy. Clinton referred to U.N solutions in the Middle East in his own words as "obsolete", his solution? Thousands of deaths,His legacy? The rise of extremists.
Over one million civilians in Iraq alone have died because of George Bush's invasion in 2003. Puppet regimes replacing democratic, left wing ones are the platform from which Al Qaeda and now I.S have flourished. In Afghanistan, men were forced to watch their children and wives be raped in front of them as their parents, bullet ridden collapsed. This is the 'freedom' American presidents boast proudly of.
Obama. Idolised by liberals and western leftists, for his antics on television. But not idolised by those he deported, and by those he bombed. President Obama deported more people, and bombed more countries than any other U.S president. Read through my list, digest those atrocities, evaluate those acts, and now reflect that Obama has bombed more countries than any of them. Just as I write this, people are out in their numbers at Trump's ban on Muslims to the U.S. Yet this is not his idea. President Obama drafted this bill, all Trump done was sign it. So whilst he may seem hilarious and down to earth on your T.V, he, like all the others, is a war criminal.
Monday, 30 January 2017
Friday, 13 January 2017
Communism and National Liberation in Palestine.
Anti-imperialism can take two paths, the Nationalist one, which seeks to rid a country of foreign forces and achieve independence, and the far left one, which as well as seeking this, longs for the removal of Capitalism. In every anti-imperialist struggle there are bodies on either side. In Ireland, there was the Provisional Irish Republican Army (P.I.R.A), the nationalists, and the Irish National Liberation (INLA), the Communists. In Palestine, there is Hamas, the nationalists, and Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Communists. Only one path results in peace and freedom.
PFLP were
founded by George Habash in 1967 as a radical Marxist-Leninist alternative to
the moderate PLO. Unlike the PLO, they do not recognise the state of
Israel, opposing negotiations with them. The military wing of the PFLP is the
Abu Ali Mustapha brigades, named in honour of the former leader assassinated by
Zionist forces.PFLP support the one state solution of a secular
Marxist-Leninist nation.
liberation is not enough to Free Palestine. History tells us
that the efforts which go to the removal of colonialist regimes
are in vain unless the Capitalism system leaves with these imperialists.
In Palestine, Arabs are oppressed by imperialism orchestrated by the Zionist
settlers, but also by Capitalism maintained universally by the bourgeois, many
of whom are Arab themselves.
it is, the Palestinian people do not all live under these same conditions but
rather under different living conditions, a fact which we cannot scientifically
(Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine, official PFLP document, 1969.)
(Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine, official PFLP document, 1969.)
Imperialism is a consequence of Capitalism, which is the cause. If you only seek to destroy the consequence which is Zionist colonialism, then the cause, Capitalism would still remain and maintain misery and pain to the Palestinian proletariat.
In any revolution, Comrades must know who their enemies, and who their allies are.
Mao, in "Analysis of the Classes of Chinese Society" (March 1926) makes the following statement, which is applicable to all anti-imperialist revolutions.
"Who are our enemies? Who are our friends?
This is a question of the first importance to the. The basic reason why all previous revolutionary struggles in China achieved so little in their failure to unite with real friends in order to attack real enemies..."
Though Hamas may look upon the Jews as the problem, as the problem, what they ignore is that the Arab bourgeois has ignored the struggle of the Palestinians for decades, just as the Provisional IRA targeted working class Protestants, Hamas treat the Jews in the same way, without realising that religious persecution is a counter revolutionary act. Jews are brought up believing every Arab wants to murder them, yet this is the work of bourgeois propaganda. The working class, both Jewish and Arab are not natural enemies. Sectarianism is a tactic of the ruling class to dismantle working class unity. This occurred in Ireland 40 years ago just as it does in Palestine today. When united, the proletariat are a grave threat to the ruling order, so religious hatred is encouraged- but also crucially exaggerated to widen the gap between not only the Jews and Arabs, but the bourgeois and proletariat.
"The Palestinian bourgeois which now lives in Palestine under Zionist Occupation is not among the forces of the revolution although it has not manifestly associated itself with Israel and will in reality remain the class force through which the enemies will always try to defeat the revolution and stop it in the middle of the road"
(Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine)
A secularist Marxist Leninist state is the only solution to achieving peace. Jews, Arabs and Christians lived in harmony for decades before Western Imperialism ravaged the land, and they can do so again without it. When you talk of national liberation, you must fully understand what liberation means. Unless you seek to destroy the Capitalist system, then there would be no liberation. The working class Arabs and Jews would continue to hate each other, they would continue to be exploited, and be told that the other is to blame- not the bourgeois. The Palestinians are not just exploited by Zionism, but by Capitalism. Liberation must mean liberation. Liberation must mean Marxism-Leninism.
Thursday, 12 January 2017
Irish Republican Socialism
100 years on from the Easter
Rising, it brings great sadness to my heart to see the sacrifice Connolly gave,
the greatest sacrifice a man can give, his life, was in vain.
The occupied six counties,
like Scotland, demand independence and independence only. Yet independence
without socialism can bring no liberty to the working man, and instead, the
suffering, the destitution, and the poverty would long reign over the Irish
Unlike Scotland, the Irish
people have a legitimate right to call for independence. They have been a
colony of the British for 800 years, and the bloodshed resisting their colonial
occupiers could fill the ocean a hundred times over. I will always maintain that no country
suffered more at the hands of the British Empire than the Irish. Yet as I have
mentioned in previous work, we have not seen a more courageous and revolutionary
group than those on this island.
However, parallels with
Scotland are plentiful, and I would advise Comrades to read my short essay ‘Scotland and the National Question’ before
moving onto this.
Sinn Fein may well bring
unification to Ireland, but unification will not bring to an end the suffering
of the Irish people. Sinn Fein is a capitalist party who whether in a divided
or a unified Ireland will maintain a Capitalist agenda.
“If you remove the English army tomorrow
and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the
organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England
would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her
landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and
individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the
tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.”
Van Vocht (socialist newspaper)
January, 1897. Reprinted in P. Beresford Ellis (ed.), "James Connolly - Selected
Writings", p. 124
James Connolly
was a Socialist. The Irish Citizen army fought on Marxist principles and
despite the best efforts of counter revolutionaries and revisionists to
whitewash history, the Easter Rising was a Socialist rebellion. It was a
rejection of colonialism from the British, a rejection of imperialism of the
First World War, and an acceptance of Connolly’s life ambition, a Socialist
Republic free of foreign influence.
Fast forward
to the modern day, and Ireland still lacks unity. Yet she also lacks a movement
worthy of continuing the fight for freedom asides the Irish Republican
Socialist Party (IRSP). By
going into parliament with the Unionists, by accepting the Good Friday
agreement of 1998, Sinn Fein accepted partition, and they accepted British
rule. This is a perfidious act to commit, and one that will not be forgiven or
forgotten. No parliament is ever so valuable that one should throw away his
ideals to take a seat in it. There are parallels between the sell-outs in the British
Labour Party, and those in Sinn Fein, despite ideological contrasts.
The only worthy group
continuing Connolly’s fight are IRSP. The political wing of the
Marxist-Leninist militia INLA, they are the party of the people, not of the
corporate bosses like Sinn Fein in Stormont.
The following quote comes from “This is Republican Socialism” direct tfrom he official party.
“The struggle for national liberation
cannot be separated from the class struggle. Any attempt to isolate one from
the other will result in failure. It is meaningless to speak of a free nation,
if the overwhelming majority remain oppressed, and national sovereignty is lost
through multinational corporate control of the economy just as much as by
partition. At the same time, someone who refuses to challenge British
imperialism in Ireland cannot claim to be fighting for socialism and the
continuation of partition props up the divisions in the working class of
Ireland that hold us back from our own liberation. We have no choice in whether
or not we wish to consider the interconnection of the national and class questions;
reality forces us to do so.
We define the national liberation
struggle as that struggle which seeks to force a British military withdrawal
from the occupied six counties. The destruction of the pro-British loyalist
armed forces. The withdrawal of British political influence from all parts of
Ireland. The ending the partition of the island of Ireland and the overturning
of both the partionist governments presently administering political affairs of
Ireland. The gaining of collective economic control of the nation's resources
by the nation as a whole and the eradication of any control or influence
exercised by foreign capitalists over any aspect of the Irish economy. The
recognition of a separate Irish cultural identity and the establishment of
revolutionary 32- county socialist republic.
We aim to build a strong alliance in
Irish society of our class in towns and cities, agricultural workers in the
country-side, unemployed workers, working class refugees, linked as a movement
internationally with other like-minded liberation struggles.
We firmly stand-by the struggle for a
republic. On that we are inflexible, but our struggle for the republic is a
means to an end. For us, the national liberation struggle is but an aspect of
the struggle for socialism.”
There are many, in Sinn Fein who protest that they are
Socialist. To them I ask the following:
What Socialist would agree to maintain British
influence in Ireland?
What Socialist would meet with representatives
of the apartheid Israeli government?
What Socialist would support the neoliberal
and imperialist E.U?
To end this analysis, I again use material from the IRSP.
Fein is a petty bourgeois nationalist organisation concerned with the political
freedom of Ireland.
IRSP is a republican Marxist organisation dedicated to a political, economic,
social and cultural revolution that will rid Ireland of all of Imperialism and
Sinn Fein
(ourselves alone) rarely co-operate with others and do so only when they
consider it politically advantageous (example during the hunger strike).
IRSP's central policy has been the Broad Front, a pre-condition for revolution
in Ireland.
Fein is an abstentionist party.
IRSP would take parliamentary seats in certain limited circumstances.
Fein regards the "peoples" support as necessary for the success of
their struggle.
IRSP regard the working class as central to any struggle. The class struggle is
the struggle.
IRSP seeks international support from socialists, working class organisations
and genuine anti-imperialists.
Fein also seek the above support and that of reactionary organisations such as
IRSP has never publicly attacked specific actions of the Irish Republican Army.
of Sinn Fein have joined the witch hunt against actions of the Irish National
Liberation Army.
to Gerry Adams: "There are no Marxists in Sinn Fein."
IRSP welcomes Marxists in its ranks.
This is a well-organised design pamphlet, which explains the ideological
differences between the two.
My next piece will be applying the Ta Power document in a modern day light.
I thank the Irish Republican Socialist Party for these resources allowing me to produce this short piece.
Capitalism and Mental Health
When discussing depression and Capitalism, we often turn to the Wall Street Crash of the 1920s, or perhaps the recession of 2008. Depressions, in the economic sense as Lenin said are inevitable and frequent, such is the nature of the Capitalist system. However, there is an even greater link between mental health and the plutocratic regimes which we find ourselves prisoners in.
Our minds suffer, perhaps more than anything else, living, and especially working in a capitalist environment. We are, as slaves, restricted as to what we say, what we do, how we do things, and so forth. This does not appear to those who as Engels liked to put it were 'unconscious beings in another reality'. Therefore workers are reduced to mere vegetables in both their mental and physical capacities.
Marx's most in depth analysis of the repercussions of capitalistic employment come in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, where he famously introduces the concept of Alienation, an idea which still shapes Marxist thinking today. Alienation is the process by which workers become estranged from the world in which they are living, an inevitability under Capitalism. To Marx, alienation caused great damage to one's mental health because it removed the characteristics of what it takes to truly be a human. Nobody enjoys working in a capitalist environment, not because every kind of work is mundane and tiresome, but because in Capitalism, you cannot feel and experience love, passion, desire and so forth. When confronted with an alien world, the Capitalist work environment erodes you in four ways, alienating you from the process of labour, from the product of labour, from one's Gattungswesen (species essence) and from your fellow worker. Through this quartet, men, women, and children are exposed and exploited so that they can no longer feel joy and passion in the world, their drive is destroyed along with other attributes which define a human being. Marx claimed that this left us as nothing but prehistoric chimps who relied on only food and water, and that Capitalism had halted centuries and centuries of evolution.
Suicide and poverty go hand in hand. And poverty can be seen no greater than the capitalist heartlands of Western Europe and the US. An independent study, between 2000 and 2011 found that of the hundreds of thousands who took their lives in this period, over 45,000 done so because of unemployment and the poverty they had been plunged into. With Capitalist workforces now reliant on machinery and technology more than ever, and furthermore with no emotional compassion (as Marx said we are robbed of this), the bosses choose to prioritise profit over their fellow humans, and thus unemployment soars. The Lancet calculated from data obtained from 2009 that there had been a spike of nearly five thousand suicides directly linked to the financial crash of 2008. Corporatism is a killer in more ways than one, and with private companies only being given more and more leeway by Western governments, these tragedies shall only increase.
In the USSR, with industries nationalised and state controlled, unemployment was non existent alongside poverty, and thus suicides linked to these causes were unheard of.
Furthermore, during the peak of the Black Civil rights movement, the numbers for Black Americans taking their lives was almost four times more than their White counterparts. As Malcolm X famously remarked, "You can't have capitalism without racism". Racial bullying in schools and the workplace are rising, with hate crimes against Muslims quadrupling in Britain in the last year alone. Racism is in many cases is the catalyst behind a deterioration in mental health, something I know all too well.
The stigma of depression and other illnesses in the west is often criticised, but rarely do media outlets seek to amend their crimes.
n Cuba, a Marxist haven as strong as ever, more money is invested into mental health than any other medical department. The Cuban Constitution states that health care is a right of every citizen and the responsibility of the government. Upon the successful Communist revolution, the Castro regime ordered that mental health patients should not be experimented on any longer (a practice which lasted in Western Europe until the 1980s) and instead a therapeutic approach was adopted, the first programme of its kind in the world. Despite the US embargo in 1961, this tiny country has emerged as the world's leading medical researcher, and a heartland for breakthroughs. Cuba has the greatest mental health professional- patient ratio in the world, and the country's doctor's are only increasing in both quality and quantity.
Fidel and his Comrades broke barriers in 1960s Cuba that are still in place in Britain and America today.
Our minds suffer, perhaps more than anything else, living, and especially working in a capitalist environment. We are, as slaves, restricted as to what we say, what we do, how we do things, and so forth. This does not appear to those who as Engels liked to put it were 'unconscious beings in another reality'. Therefore workers are reduced to mere vegetables in both their mental and physical capacities.
Marx's most in depth analysis of the repercussions of capitalistic employment come in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, where he famously introduces the concept of Alienation, an idea which still shapes Marxist thinking today. Alienation is the process by which workers become estranged from the world in which they are living, an inevitability under Capitalism. To Marx, alienation caused great damage to one's mental health because it removed the characteristics of what it takes to truly be a human. Nobody enjoys working in a capitalist environment, not because every kind of work is mundane and tiresome, but because in Capitalism, you cannot feel and experience love, passion, desire and so forth. When confronted with an alien world, the Capitalist work environment erodes you in four ways, alienating you from the process of labour, from the product of labour, from one's Gattungswesen (species essence) and from your fellow worker. Through this quartet, men, women, and children are exposed and exploited so that they can no longer feel joy and passion in the world, their drive is destroyed along with other attributes which define a human being. Marx claimed that this left us as nothing but prehistoric chimps who relied on only food and water, and that Capitalism had halted centuries and centuries of evolution.
Suicide and poverty go hand in hand. And poverty can be seen no greater than the capitalist heartlands of Western Europe and the US. An independent study, between 2000 and 2011 found that of the hundreds of thousands who took their lives in this period, over 45,000 done so because of unemployment and the poverty they had been plunged into. With Capitalist workforces now reliant on machinery and technology more than ever, and furthermore with no emotional compassion (as Marx said we are robbed of this), the bosses choose to prioritise profit over their fellow humans, and thus unemployment soars. The Lancet calculated from data obtained from 2009 that there had been a spike of nearly five thousand suicides directly linked to the financial crash of 2008. Corporatism is a killer in more ways than one, and with private companies only being given more and more leeway by Western governments, these tragedies shall only increase.
In the USSR, with industries nationalised and state controlled, unemployment was non existent alongside poverty, and thus suicides linked to these causes were unheard of.
Furthermore, during the peak of the Black Civil rights movement, the numbers for Black Americans taking their lives was almost four times more than their White counterparts. As Malcolm X famously remarked, "You can't have capitalism without racism". Racial bullying in schools and the workplace are rising, with hate crimes against Muslims quadrupling in Britain in the last year alone. Racism is in many cases is the catalyst behind a deterioration in mental health, something I know all too well.
The stigma of depression and other illnesses in the west is often criticised, but rarely do media outlets seek to amend their crimes.
n Cuba, a Marxist haven as strong as ever, more money is invested into mental health than any other medical department. The Cuban Constitution states that health care is a right of every citizen and the responsibility of the government. Upon the successful Communist revolution, the Castro regime ordered that mental health patients should not be experimented on any longer (a practice which lasted in Western Europe until the 1980s) and instead a therapeutic approach was adopted, the first programme of its kind in the world. Despite the US embargo in 1961, this tiny country has emerged as the world's leading medical researcher, and a heartland for breakthroughs. Cuba has the greatest mental health professional- patient ratio in the world, and the country's doctor's are only increasing in both quality and quantity.
Fidel and his Comrades broke barriers in 1960s Cuba that are still in place in Britain and America today.
The British Labour Party
There has been no movement so treacherous, so hypocritical, and more fraudulent than the British Labour Party. It has NEVER been Socialist, and it has NEVER been a party of the proletariat. Instead it has led the British working class into a trap of false consciousness, and with its imperialist agenda, it has caused untold pain and misery to millions, still suffering today. In this piece, I will explain why the British Labour Party must be abandoned, and abolished, for the workers of Britain, and for the genuine Comrades amongst us to set about the aims of a Socialist Republic.
To many, the Labour Party of 'Great' Britain is regarded as one of iconic left wing movements in the nation's history. Do not let the name fool you. It was a crime to label this group of bourgeoisie liberals 'Socialists' It is insulting to the genuine men and women who are. Indian Communist M.N Roy described the party as Western Mensheviks. A title very apt given what I am about to tell you.
Domestic policies
As I will discuss later, the imperialist drive with Labour did not only see atrocities and mass deaths, but it saw them abandon the most oppressed in society for corporate greed- time, and time again. Here I am going to cite just some examples of the fraudulent nature of the party.
"But the main reason for Labour’s decline, according to these sad-eyed scalpel-wielders currently poised over Labour’s corpse, is that the party ‘left behind’ its old voters, ignoring them in favour of cosying up to businesspeople in the Blair years and being too nerdish to connect with them in the Miliband years."
Though I know that Labour has never represented the working class, I also know that throughout general election history, the working class have on many occasions went in their numbers to tick Labour at the ballot box. Why? The working class are not class conscious to see past the misdemeanours of the movement.
Yet despite the war crimes and corporatism of the 20th century, it is only now that the working class are distancing themselves from Labour. Again we have to ask why? There are multiple reasons, and I will begin with domestic policies.
Time and time again, Labour have found themselves in bed with the Tories. A socialist party must never compromise with the enemy, even if it loses electorate success. This is a glaring error, and one which must be highlighted to acknowledge the wrongs of Labour. Labour has, despite being behind it, privatised the NHS. Labour has cracked down on migrants- why would a left wing party want to stop migrants coming from countries which Britain has bombed?
Labour have always oppressed locals, whether those locals hail from Manchester or Mumbai, but it is the colonialist aspect of its dark and demonic history which is ignored by so many of the party's following.
Let commence with Ireland. No country has suffered at the hands of the British Empire more than the Irish people. Yet, there is not a more courageous and revolutionary group of people than the Irish. With the centenary of the Easter Rising just a few months past, let me begin with this.
Again turning to M.N Roy;
"Such an event as the 1916 Easter Revolution in Ireland could not make the British Labour Party define its attitude regarding this thorny question. As a member of the War Cabinet, Henderson did not raise a finger to save James Connolly, not to speak of others whose genuine fervour for national independence cannot be blackened by the insinuation of underground German intrigues. The British Labour Party did not find it necessary out of loyalty to the working class at least to withdraw from the Coalition which has killed the champion of the Irish proletariat."
Labour leader, Arthur Henderson was a member of the British Government, and actively supported the bombing campaign of the natives, and the execution of the great James Connolly? How very Socialist indeed.
Even the ILP, regarded by scholars as much more radical than their counterparts in Labour disregarded the rebellion, equating the Citizen Army with terrorists. ""We do not approve of the Sinn Fein rebellion," announced the ILP's Socialist Review in September 1916. "We do not approve of armed rebellion or any other form of militarism and war".
The First World War was the zenith of Western Imperialism was. And of course, was supported and sustained by the Labour Party. This conflict was built upon greed, wealth and colonialism, three vital components of Capitalism. Lions led by donkeys, brave young men dying for nothing but to line the pockets of the rich who wouldn't dare set foot in a trench.
Despite being heralded as a party of the working class the Labour Party wasted no time in denouncing the Russian Revolution and supporting the far right counter revolutionary White movement which sought to restore the Russian proletariat to a life of misery and despair under Capitalist rule.
The First (1924), and Second Labour Governments (1929-31) intensified the savagery of the Empire, despite increased uprisings from natives. It was no longer just the neighbouring Irish whom Labour sought to terrorise, now as the dominant party, they exerted their influence to massacre civilians in the Middle East- a now what common feature of Labour foreign policy. In 1929, the uprising known as the Palestine Riots invest heavily in Zionist occupation, taking the lives of well over 150 Arab civilians. No Socialist should recognise the apartheid state of Israel given the Holocaust they have committed on the indigenous Arab people- yet Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, seen as the most left wing in the party's history recently admitted "I really admire Israel". What do you admire Mr Corbyn? The illegal settlements? The rape of women? Or the massacre of children?
Following the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Iraq fell into the hands of Britain. Labour pushed heavily for air strikes to minimise the rebel threat, with thousands of Iraqis dying. Old habits die hard. Labour's motives for Middle Eastern intervention then were for imperialist and corporate greed- this has not changed.
And then there was India. Asides from the Irish, it can be argued nobody suffered more at the hands of Britain's, and Labour's imperialism than the Indians. Any uprising, any hint of an uprising from the Indians was dealt with excessive force. Labour sought to quell the Nationalist movement by the same vulgar tactics they deployed in Ireland, Iraq, Palestine and many other nations which fell foul to history's cruellest Empires. It comes as no surprise that Bhagat Singh, the iconic Communist revolutionary was executed under a Labour Government. Labour, led by Ramsay MacDonald would stop at nothing to clean the streets of the 'sub human' type Labour viewed the oppressed natives as.
Following the Soviet Union's defeat of Nazi Germany, Clement Atlee came to power. Widely hailed as the father of the NHS, we cannot bypass his role in imperialism and global terror- particularly with Korea. During this period, Labour strengthened its ties with the US even more, allowing for joint imperialist interventions, decades on. The first real conflict of the Cold War, highlighted just how far Labour would go to preserve its imperialist ideology. Whilst the Welfare State got off to a rocky start. the party prioritised supporting its American allies puppet government in the South rather than providing greater healthcare and more housing for those who needed it so much. Labour's attempts to whitewash history, to preach of Atlee as a hero cannot be respected in the same way that his crimes in Korea cannot be ignored.
With a fear of Communism common knowledge, Labour worked with the Conservative Government to remove Cheddi Jagan, the Marxist Leninist leader as Prime Minister of French Guyana, succeeding in dismantling the revolutionary threat. Coups are a common theme of Labour's imperialist history.
In 1969, old flames were ignited, with British troops deployed in Ireland to 'maintain peace' following nationwide riots. The British Army were however simply an ally of loyalist militias, provoking sectarian rivalries, whilst committing atrocities on the working class of Ireland that left them so depleted, they are still trying to recover today. This is the real Labour Party. The disgustingly bigoted police force, the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), composed mainly of Protestant and Loyalist personnel who took it upon themselves to kill as many Catholic civilians as possible were even given extensive funding by Labour. Though the 1970 election was lost, Labour remained opposition only by title, working alongside war monger Edward Heath in the occupation of Ireland, and thus supporting the racial state it had become, with Irish Catholics lucky to fall into the '2nd class citizen' category. Labour's intervention in 1969 can without doubt be highlighted as the reason for the thousands of civilian deaths which took place up until the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, yet sectarianism still thrives because of Labour's barbaric behaviour upon the natives.
The 1990s saw yet another genocide which Britain, and Labour allowed to happen. The Balkans had always been an area of imperialist interest, with Labour. Though John Major reigned for the first half
of what is now known as the Yugoslav Wars, Labour turned a blind eye to the horrendous war crimes committed by Milosovic, going as far as funding far right Serbian nationalists to slaughter Bosnian Muslims in their tens of thousands. The massacre of Sbrenica was the worst mass murder in Europe since the Holocaust, with 8,000 Bosnian men and boys losing their lives at the hands of Serb nationalists, with Britain, and Labour neglecting to protect the endangered Bosnian population. With Blairism succeeding in the 1997 Election, the Kosovo War was beginning. The climax arrived in 1999, where NATO, true to its nature began a heavy bombing campaign of Kosovo at the demand of the West.
The annexation of Afghanistan and Iraq should have saw Tony Blair tried in the Hague for war crimes, or hung in London city centre. Instead, and with over one million civilian deaths later, he still has an influence on the party.
Lenin was firmly against the structured format of Labour. Mass party politics allows for infiltration of counter revolutionaries. The greatest example is the rise of Blairites in mainstream politics. The workers should reject the status quo of Capitalist elections, and instead educate and organise. The lack of class consciousness is the reason Labour has thrived. Once the potential of the working class is realised, then we can organise. Not into mass mainstream parties, but into a vanguard. Into movements which are composed of both intellects, and of workers with little political knowledge, and who will learn this from their Comrades. Boycott the ballot. Because no revolution has ever, and will ever come at the hands of the Western parliamentary system, only counter revolutions. Do not remain in a party who supports the apartheid state of Israel, do not align yourself with Blairites, Zionists, and war criminals. Take a stand against imperialism. Understand what it means to be a Socialist. Read Marx, Lenin and Mao. Say no to Labour Imperialism, and yes to British Socialism!
When I hear of Labour supporters calling for a return to the party's origins, I laugh. Because the Party has always been an Imperialist group of elites. This has never changed. Never. Labour have always been something. Not a workers union. Not a communist clique. And most certainly not a revolutionary resistance. From Hardie and Henderson, to Brown and Blair, Labour have always and always will remain a bigoted colonialist party, loyal to the establishment, and loyal to the rich.
The following resources were used for this essay:
Liberalism and the British Labour Party, MN Roy
British Labour and the Easter Rising, Irish Democrat
British lost the working class vote a long time ago, Brendan O'Neill
To many, the Labour Party of 'Great' Britain is regarded as one of iconic left wing movements in the nation's history. Do not let the name fool you. It was a crime to label this group of bourgeoisie liberals 'Socialists' It is insulting to the genuine men and women who are. Indian Communist M.N Roy described the party as Western Mensheviks. A title very apt given what I am about to tell you.
Domestic policies
As I will discuss later, the imperialist drive with Labour did not only see atrocities and mass deaths, but it saw them abandon the most oppressed in society for corporate greed- time, and time again. Here I am going to cite just some examples of the fraudulent nature of the party.
"But the main reason for Labour’s decline, according to these sad-eyed scalpel-wielders currently poised over Labour’s corpse, is that the party ‘left behind’ its old voters, ignoring them in favour of cosying up to businesspeople in the Blair years and being too nerdish to connect with them in the Miliband years."
Though I know that Labour has never represented the working class, I also know that throughout general election history, the working class have on many occasions went in their numbers to tick Labour at the ballot box. Why? The working class are not class conscious to see past the misdemeanours of the movement.
Yet despite the war crimes and corporatism of the 20th century, it is only now that the working class are distancing themselves from Labour. Again we have to ask why? There are multiple reasons, and I will begin with domestic policies.
Time and time again, Labour have found themselves in bed with the Tories. A socialist party must never compromise with the enemy, even if it loses electorate success. This is a glaring error, and one which must be highlighted to acknowledge the wrongs of Labour. Labour has, despite being behind it, privatised the NHS. Labour has cracked down on migrants- why would a left wing party want to stop migrants coming from countries which Britain has bombed?
Labour have always oppressed locals, whether those locals hail from Manchester or Mumbai, but it is the colonialist aspect of its dark and demonic history which is ignored by so many of the party's following.
Let commence with Ireland. No country has suffered at the hands of the British Empire more than the Irish people. Yet, there is not a more courageous and revolutionary group of people than the Irish. With the centenary of the Easter Rising just a few months past, let me begin with this.
Again turning to M.N Roy;
"Such an event as the 1916 Easter Revolution in Ireland could not make the British Labour Party define its attitude regarding this thorny question. As a member of the War Cabinet, Henderson did not raise a finger to save James Connolly, not to speak of others whose genuine fervour for national independence cannot be blackened by the insinuation of underground German intrigues. The British Labour Party did not find it necessary out of loyalty to the working class at least to withdraw from the Coalition which has killed the champion of the Irish proletariat."
Labour leader, Arthur Henderson was a member of the British Government, and actively supported the bombing campaign of the natives, and the execution of the great James Connolly? How very Socialist indeed.
Even the ILP, regarded by scholars as much more radical than their counterparts in Labour disregarded the rebellion, equating the Citizen Army with terrorists. ""We do not approve of the Sinn Fein rebellion," announced the ILP's Socialist Review in September 1916. "We do not approve of armed rebellion or any other form of militarism and war".
The First World War was the zenith of Western Imperialism was. And of course, was supported and sustained by the Labour Party. This conflict was built upon greed, wealth and colonialism, three vital components of Capitalism. Lions led by donkeys, brave young men dying for nothing but to line the pockets of the rich who wouldn't dare set foot in a trench.
Despite being heralded as a party of the working class the Labour Party wasted no time in denouncing the Russian Revolution and supporting the far right counter revolutionary White movement which sought to restore the Russian proletariat to a life of misery and despair under Capitalist rule.
The First (1924), and Second Labour Governments (1929-31) intensified the savagery of the Empire, despite increased uprisings from natives. It was no longer just the neighbouring Irish whom Labour sought to terrorise, now as the dominant party, they exerted their influence to massacre civilians in the Middle East- a now what common feature of Labour foreign policy. In 1929, the uprising known as the Palestine Riots invest heavily in Zionist occupation, taking the lives of well over 150 Arab civilians. No Socialist should recognise the apartheid state of Israel given the Holocaust they have committed on the indigenous Arab people- yet Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, seen as the most left wing in the party's history recently admitted "I really admire Israel". What do you admire Mr Corbyn? The illegal settlements? The rape of women? Or the massacre of children?
Following the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Iraq fell into the hands of Britain. Labour pushed heavily for air strikes to minimise the rebel threat, with thousands of Iraqis dying. Old habits die hard. Labour's motives for Middle Eastern intervention then were for imperialist and corporate greed- this has not changed.
And then there was India. Asides from the Irish, it can be argued nobody suffered more at the hands of Britain's, and Labour's imperialism than the Indians. Any uprising, any hint of an uprising from the Indians was dealt with excessive force. Labour sought to quell the Nationalist movement by the same vulgar tactics they deployed in Ireland, Iraq, Palestine and many other nations which fell foul to history's cruellest Empires. It comes as no surprise that Bhagat Singh, the iconic Communist revolutionary was executed under a Labour Government. Labour, led by Ramsay MacDonald would stop at nothing to clean the streets of the 'sub human' type Labour viewed the oppressed natives as.
Nigeria is one of the many countries still to recover from the impact of British brutality. Labour's arrogance that they had the right to the African land was present in one of the many xenophobia ridden propaganda pieces we have seen throughout history. A 1943 discussion of post war strategies for African colonies included the line "For a considerable time to come these peoples will not be ready for self-government, and European peoples and States must be responsible for the administration of their territories"
Following the Soviet Union's defeat of Nazi Germany, Clement Atlee came to power. Widely hailed as the father of the NHS, we cannot bypass his role in imperialism and global terror- particularly with Korea. During this period, Labour strengthened its ties with the US even more, allowing for joint imperialist interventions, decades on. The first real conflict of the Cold War, highlighted just how far Labour would go to preserve its imperialist ideology. Whilst the Welfare State got off to a rocky start. the party prioritised supporting its American allies puppet government in the South rather than providing greater healthcare and more housing for those who needed it so much. Labour's attempts to whitewash history, to preach of Atlee as a hero cannot be respected in the same way that his crimes in Korea cannot be ignored.
With a fear of Communism common knowledge, Labour worked with the Conservative Government to remove Cheddi Jagan, the Marxist Leninist leader as Prime Minister of French Guyana, succeeding in dismantling the revolutionary threat. Coups are a common theme of Labour's imperialist history.
In 1969, old flames were ignited, with British troops deployed in Ireland to 'maintain peace' following nationwide riots. The British Army were however simply an ally of loyalist militias, provoking sectarian rivalries, whilst committing atrocities on the working class of Ireland that left them so depleted, they are still trying to recover today. This is the real Labour Party. The disgustingly bigoted police force, the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), composed mainly of Protestant and Loyalist personnel who took it upon themselves to kill as many Catholic civilians as possible were even given extensive funding by Labour. Though the 1970 election was lost, Labour remained opposition only by title, working alongside war monger Edward Heath in the occupation of Ireland, and thus supporting the racial state it had become, with Irish Catholics lucky to fall into the '2nd class citizen' category. Labour's intervention in 1969 can without doubt be highlighted as the reason for the thousands of civilian deaths which took place up until the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, yet sectarianism still thrives because of Labour's barbaric behaviour upon the natives.
of what is now known as the Yugoslav Wars, Labour turned a blind eye to the horrendous war crimes committed by Milosovic, going as far as funding far right Serbian nationalists to slaughter Bosnian Muslims in their tens of thousands. The massacre of Sbrenica was the worst mass murder in Europe since the Holocaust, with 8,000 Bosnian men and boys losing their lives at the hands of Serb nationalists, with Britain, and Labour neglecting to protect the endangered Bosnian population. With Blairism succeeding in the 1997 Election, the Kosovo War was beginning. The climax arrived in 1999, where NATO, true to its nature began a heavy bombing campaign of Kosovo at the demand of the West.
The annexation of Afghanistan and Iraq should have saw Tony Blair tried in the Hague for war crimes, or hung in London city centre. Instead, and with over one million civilian deaths later, he still has an influence on the party.
Lenin was firmly against the structured format of Labour. Mass party politics allows for infiltration of counter revolutionaries. The greatest example is the rise of Blairites in mainstream politics. The workers should reject the status quo of Capitalist elections, and instead educate and organise. The lack of class consciousness is the reason Labour has thrived. Once the potential of the working class is realised, then we can organise. Not into mass mainstream parties, but into a vanguard. Into movements which are composed of both intellects, and of workers with little political knowledge, and who will learn this from their Comrades. Boycott the ballot. Because no revolution has ever, and will ever come at the hands of the Western parliamentary system, only counter revolutions. Do not remain in a party who supports the apartheid state of Israel, do not align yourself with Blairites, Zionists, and war criminals. Take a stand against imperialism. Understand what it means to be a Socialist. Read Marx, Lenin and Mao. Say no to Labour Imperialism, and yes to British Socialism!
When I hear of Labour supporters calling for a return to the party's origins, I laugh. Because the Party has always been an Imperialist group of elites. This has never changed. Never. Labour have always been something. Not a workers union. Not a communist clique. And most certainly not a revolutionary resistance. From Hardie and Henderson, to Brown and Blair, Labour have always and always will remain a bigoted colonialist party, loyal to the establishment, and loyal to the rich.
The following resources were used for this essay:
Liberalism and the British Labour Party, MN Roy
British Labour and the Easter Rising, Irish Democrat
British lost the working class vote a long time ago, Brendan O'Neill
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