Monday, 30 January 2017

Trump, the Perfect President.

Donald Trump, regardless of his fleeting act to distance himself from the ruling class, is the zenith of the bourgeois. He is exploitative, xenophobic, and chauvinistic.Trump is not a disgrace to the presidency, but rather a natural heir to his predecessors .Trump is a consequence of the problem. And Capitalism is the problem.

Liberals and Western leftists have flooded the streets as we speak, in protest of who they claim to be the most racist President in history. This premise can be easily refuted by anybody with even the slightest knowledge of the past.

Noam Chomsky's assertion, that if the Nuremberg Laws were applied, every U.S President post WW2 would be indictable is correct.

Truman's atrocities in Korea, has ravaged the nation so that today imperialism still persists. The use of nuclear weapons, and barbaric tactics were a characteristic of U.S policy in Asia during this period.

Take Eisenhower, he did not take any time in launching a military coup on the popular nationalist government in Iran. A 25 year dictatorship was Eisenhower's solution. Guatemala has not seen a democracy since he installed a U.S puppet regime to replace it, and still today the country is engulfed in corruption and tragedy. The rise of left wing parties in Indonesia was of grave concern to the Eisenhower administration, so yours truly began to fund fundamentalists to wear away the possibility of a workers party coming to power.

John F Kennedy, lauded by many as a champion of social rights was anything but. It was he who invaded South Vietnam, it was he who insisted on the advancement of Napalm, it is he to blame for the children being born with birth defects, even today, almost 50 years on. Kennedy insisted on targeting areas of fertile land to bind the Vietnamese people to a slow, torturous death. His aggression towards Cuba was based on terrorism, and terrorism solely.

President Johnson expanded the War into China, multiplying the number of casualties by millions. The democratic revolution in the Dominican Republic was blocked by his administration, whilst the Israeli occupation was financed and supported by his regime.

Richard Nixon, the founding father of the 'war on drugs' (war on working class people with illness), did not restrict this oppressive policy to the states, but also to Colombia, funding the military to prevent the growth of far left groups such as F.A.R.C.

Gerald Ford's tenure may have been short, but his legacy is marred quite rightly by his support for the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. Chomksy refers to this act as genocidal. The U.S secretly financed the right wing nationalists who massacred thousands.

Carter was behind the increase in the flow of weapons to the fundamentalists in Indonesia via Israel, maintaining the genocide in East Timor. The Camp David agreements are what Carter is rendered best for, yet this was no diplomatic excellency, Conspiring with the Arab bourgeois, aid to Israel was increased both financially and politically, leaving the Palestinians helpless and exposed. In all Chomksy alleges that 50% of all foreign aid under Carter went to Israel, which should serve as no surprise.

Ronald Reagan, along with ally Margaret Thatcher was behind some of the worst scenes of pillage the 20th century witnessed. Nicaragua and her people are still tormented from U.S policy under the Reagan regime.

George H.W.Bush's invasion of Panama left 3000 dead. Why the invasion? to remove Noriega, who years previous to his disposal had committed endless horrors, whilst being financed by the C.I.A. Whilst Iraq sought diplomatic relations with the U.S, Bush sought military brutality, and a key-hold in the region. Under International Law, attacking infrastructure in war is illegal, yet in Iraq this was a regular occurrence, as colonialism began to infect the region once more. The sanctions he drafted killed hundreds of thousands, who starved to a long and painful death.

Bill Clinton oversaw and maintained the sanctions of Iraq, despite the calls from the international community and the U.N, that this was resulting in so many deaths, he refused to listen, and the blood of the children lay rattle-boaned on the bombed streets, are on his hands. Several tens of thousands Sudanese lay dead as a result of Clinton's finance driven foreign policy. Clinton referred to U.N solutions in the Middle East in his own words as "obsolete", his solution? Thousands of deaths,His legacy? The rise of extremists.

Over one million civilians in Iraq alone have died because of George Bush's invasion in 2003. Puppet regimes replacing democratic, left wing ones are the platform from which Al Qaeda and now I.S have flourished. In Afghanistan, men were forced to watch their children and wives be raped in front of them as their parents, bullet ridden collapsed. This is the 'freedom' American presidents boast proudly of.

Obama. Idolised by liberals and western leftists, for his antics on television. But not idolised by those he deported, and by those he bombed. President Obama deported more people, and bombed more countries than any other U.S president. Read through my list, digest those atrocities, evaluate those acts, and now reflect that Obama has bombed more countries than any of them. Just as I write this, people are out in their numbers at Trump's ban on Muslims to the U.S. Yet this is not his idea. President Obama drafted this bill, all Trump done was sign it. So whilst he may seem hilarious and down to earth on your T.V, he, like all the others, is a war criminal.

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